
Answer controls

All puzzles have built-in answer control - no more manual checking, let the system do the work!

Automated checking

To make the puzzle playing process as clear and friendly as possible, automated answer checking is enabled by default.

The answers immediately turn green (customizable) whenever the player gives the correct answer.

The puzzles therefore give the implicit feedback to the player that whenever an answer does not turn green, the answer is incorrect. It does not need to turn red (or any other 'wrong' color).

Automated checking

Feedback is everywhere!

The correct answer feedback can range from puzzle cells turning green, to cards turning green or even puzzle pieces sticking in the right spot (jigsaw).

The styling of the correct answer can be changed via the 'Correct color' setting on the Premium-tab.

Feedback is everywhere!

Disabling answer control

Sometimes assignments deserve a higher degree of difficulty or you just don't like the fact that the player gains feedback on a given answer.

To disable the answer control, you can simply enable the 'Disable checking answers' option on the Premium-tab.

Correct answers will not be shown in any way now, but if you wish, you can enable the 'Keep track of stats' + 'Force registration' option to allow the result tracking for you as the puzzle owner.

Disabling answer control