
Embed puzzles into your website

Easily embed any puzzle that you create on your own website via an iframe - fully white label

Embedding puzzles

Embedding puzzles on your own domain is the best way to allow the player to experience the puzzle while still within your own branded environment.

The puzzle itself is fully white label, meaning it has no direct recognition of Puzzel.org whatsoever while the colors and fonts can be matched to those of your own brand. This turns the puzzle into a native part of your website.

Embedding puzzles

How does the embedding work?

The embedding happens with the help of a small piece of an iframe code. The iframe is a well-supported HTML element that can be included in almost any website/CMS/LMS.

This piece of code loads the Puzzel.org puzzle into your own website. From there you can determine the size of the iframe by changing the width and height attributes.

For more advanced embedding, you could even change the styling of the iframe via your own CSS stylesheets to change the iframe size for different screen sizes for example.

How does the embedding work?

Trying out an embedded puzzle

Before joining, you might want to check out how a sample Puzzel.org puzzle looks and works within your own website. This is an easy way to discover how easily you can embed puzzles in your own website.

Copy/paste the following sample code within your own website/CMS/LMS and see how it looks:

<div><iframe src='https://puzzel.org/en/crossword/embed?p=-L1v2n-yhlUB-bGDzGol' width='750' height='750' frameborder='0'></iframe></div>
Trying out an embedded puzzle

Counting embedded player sessions

Whenever a puzzle is embedded on your own website, the loading and interaction in the background still runs through the Puzzel.org server.

And so whenever a player starts interacting with your puzzle for the first time (embedded of not embedded), it will count as one puzzle play and be aggregated in your account player sessions total for the given month.

Counting embedded player sessions

Checking out some puzzles in the wild

There currently are thousands of puzzles being embedded all across the web and I know some people like seeing real world examples.

Check out some of the puzzles embedded here (opens in a new tab):

Checking out some puzzles in the wild