
Create flash cards

Create your own flash cards online very easily with the flash cards maker. Combine text, images and audio to create the ultimate flash card set

The flash card maker

Create your own flash cards to practice any subject you like! Students as well as teachers can create their own set of flash cards to learn translations, math, image recognition and even audio fragments!

The wide range of flash card features allows you to control timing, answers, descriptions and the layout of the cards.

The flash card maker

Controlling the time and flow

Via the Settings-tab you can control the timing of the flash cards shown (and decide if you want to use a timer at all).

To create more variance, you can also select the 'Randomize order' setting here to allow every run of your flash cards review to be in a random sequence.

Controlling the time and flow

Premium flow and timing

If you would like even more granular control over your flash cards, the Premium-tab has got your back.

The generator is able to integrate a Pause-button (could be handy for explanations in class for example), disable the automatic continuation of the flash card flow and you can control how long the correct answer is shown at the end of each flash card via the 'Time between cards'

Premium flow and timing

Combining answer and description to learn differently

Maybe you don't want to practice naming a certain kind of answer, maybe you just want to see the answer and description together to learn a certain combination, or to study a certain subject.

This can be enabled via the Premium-tab > 'Show answer and description together'

Combining answer and description to learn differently

Show numbers on the cards

In some cases it might come in handy to view the current card number. This can be enabled on the Premium-tab as well.

Show numbers on the cards

Adding answer input

Since writing and typing answers out can help the learning process, there is an option on the Premium-tab to 'Ask for answer input'.

This is purely to verify your own thoughts and to make sure you really know the answer and do not make up that you knew the answer all along ;-). This is not connected to any stats currently, since the flash cards do not really serve this purpose in a logical way.

Adding answer input

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