
Puzzle plays

Understand how puzzle plays are being used and how they are reported back in your account

Counting puzzle plays

A 'puzzle play' occurs once a player interacts with your puzzle for the first time. This means that if a player reloads the puzzle or tries it a second time, it will not count as an extra puzzle play. Only the first time counts, per puzzle.

These first time interactions for all of your puzzles are added up together and form the total puzzle plays per month for your account.

Counting puzzle plays

Finding your puzzle plays

The puzzle plays are registered in your account by default and can easily be found at any point.

The current puzzle plays for this month can be found via your account dashboard (when logged in) and then view the 'Account details'. There you see the 'Puzzles played this month'.

Besides that, there is the extensive insight in puzzle plays for Premium users.

Finding your puzzle plays

Premium puzzle plays

Via the same account dashboard, you can go to 'Puzzle stats', which will show multiple interesting graphs, all which collect their data starting from the point that you join as a Premium member.

The first graph shows the most popular puzzle this month. This will give cool insight in the puzzle play distribution among your puzzles for the active month.

Premium puzzle plays

Total puzzles played per month

The next graph shows all of the puzzle plays per month, over the years that you have been active at Puzzel.org.

This way you can see which periods were more popular among your puzzle players and if you managed to improve your puzzle usage throughout the months and years.

Total puzzles played per month

Puzzle stats per puzzle per month

The last graph shows the puzzle plays per puzzle per month. You can easily switch which puzzle stats you are viewing via the sidebar to the left.

Viewing the puzzle plays per puzzle per month, might help you get insight in the popularity of certain puzzles and if they are still being played.

Puzzle stats per puzzle per month