
Create deconstruct puzzle

Fill in your sentences, select the words that are part of the deconstruction and classify them as the correct component parts of the sentence. Super useful for language practice!

Create your first deconstructable sentence

With the fresh and easy to use deconstruct the sentence puzzle maker you van easily input your sentence, click on the separate words and classify them.

The player then will be asked to identify each word that you've classified by selecting an answer from a dropdown menu (just like you did while creating!)

Adding multiple sentences per puzzle link is possible, so this way you can separate different concepts/sentence logic within the same puzzle!

Create your first deconstructable sentence

Adding some layout and instructions

To help the player out with the tool, you can add some instructions if you think something is unclear. Or you can specify a bit of help with how the user should classify the selected words.

For Premium users there is also the option to add an image to each sentence to make it even friendlier and more complete.

Adding some layout and instructions

Handpicking your components

Since each language and exercise has its own requirements, the component dropdown to deconstruct the sentence with, has been made fully customisable.

You can pick your own name and colour pairings per component (text + background) to make sure everything is clear, readable and good looking!

Handpicking your components

Automated answer control

To make the puzzle playing easier, there is automated answer control per sentence (not per word).

Whenever all the words in the sentence are correct, it will light up in your correct color (green by default).

This can be disabled via the Premium-tab > Disable answer control setting if you want to make the deconstructing a bit more difficult.

Automated answer control

Lihat contoh teka-teki

Temukan bagaimana jenis teka-teki ini terlihat dalam praktik dengan melihat dan memainkan contoh teka-teki (terbuka di tab baru)
