The free online bingo game maker to generate your own bingo game with any combination of content
The Bingo game maker allows you to generate your own unique bingo game quickly and easily.
The content of the game consists of your own entries, so you can use any combination of text, image and/or audio to fill up the Bingo cards.
Setting up and playing in your Bingo game session is super easy.
To make your Bingo game as extensive as you like, you can pick the total rows and columns that show up on the cards of the Bingo players.
Note: Make sure you have enough content/entries to generate completely filled Bingo cards.
For example, if you have 3 rows and 4 columns, you will need at least 12 entries (3*4), and even more if you want Bingo cards to be different per player.
Since always prefers an educational touch, the classic 'numbers' version of Bingo is not enabled by default.
To support bingo game creators that do prefer the basic version and just want the Bingo gameplay interactivity, you can switch to 'Numbers only' to accomplish exactly this and getting you started within seconds.
To create a truly dynamic bingo game, you can add descriptions for each item on the Bingo card.
When spinning the virtual Bingo wheel, the description will pop up, and players will have to see if they have a matching answer on their Bingo card.
You can use this in any creative and educational way you like!
By default the Bingo game only asks players for their first name.
If you would like to have more information, for example to handle the delivery of possible won (physical) prizes, enable the fields you need.
Bingo is all about winning, seeing who finishes first in accomplishing certain patterns on their Bingo card.
Since patterns can be very diverse and the options are endless (especially when using bigger cards), you can pick your own win condition patterns.
Each win condition can then be activated during the active Bingo game session so players are at that point 'playing for' that win condition and can claim it.
To make your online Bingo game completely in line with Bingo games in the real world, you can also connect prizes to each of your win conditions.
After a valid Bingo claim, the winning players will be registered and their prizes listed. In case you only want to give away one prize per win condition, you can enable a lottery so that in case of multiple simultaneous claims, a final winner will be chosen.
Depending on your players, you might receive quite some false Bingo claims and if not controlled, this might become pretty spammy.
To control the false Bingo potential, you can hand out small 'penalties' in case of a false Bingo claim. This way, the player cannot re-enter a Bingo claim until their penalty has expired.
You can control how hard the penalty per false Bingo is as well, so you can be as strict as you want.
Since you are running an online Bingo game session, the Bingo claims that are being made can automatically be judged by the Bingo game logic running in the background.
However, if you prefer more control and insight into the Bingo claims that are being made (and the possible mistakes players are making), you can disable this automated checking and judge the Bingo claims manually.
The Bingo game session will always wait for you to handle any claim made before continuing with the next 'spin'.
While running your Bingo game session, you can also send messages about any status updates, possible winners, or whatever you would like to communicate.
These will pop up on the screen of the player in real-time.