online category puzzle maker to create a puzzle where the player has to connect content cards to the right topical category
Create your own categories filled with related content cards via the categorize puzzle maker.
The content can be text, images or audio so you can set up a categorize activity completely to your liking.
By default the player has to drag and drop cards into the right topical category.
To switch it up, you can also use the 'Connections' mode. This turns the category puzzle into a grid of cards, where the player has to select all of the cards that belong to the same category (and only those).
Try out the 'Connections' interaction yourself and see if you can find/connect all the cards that belong to the same category.
To keep the interface clean while solving the puzzle, every submitted selection will show up below the puzzle.
This will make sure the grid only contains cards that are still without a category.
By default the cards selected by the player will not be checked automatically to see if they match the right category.
If you do want to automate this process, then you can enable this feature.
To further personalize the look of your categorize puzzle, you can add background images to the layout.
This way each topical category is not only represented by the name and description, but is accompanied visually by a background image of your choosing.
Working on a categorize puzzle can range in difficulty depending on the feedback that the player receives during the process.
By default the feedback is only given at the end (once all categories have been connected correctly), but this behaviour can be tweaked so that you receive the 'correct' signal once a category is connected to all the right cards.
Try out a sample activity to get a feel for how an activity of this type works, how it looks.
This sample activity is very basic and only illustrates the most core features, but it will help you get a better understanding of what the activity type can do for you.