Completion messages can be the perfect climax for all sorts of activities.
It can contain the next step, which can be a registration form (for competitions), a call to action link or just a paragraph of text congratulating the player on their activity victory.
Each activity has the option to add a completion message via the 'message' menu in the sidebar when creating your activity.
Enable 'show message on completion' there, and you have the basis for further customizing your message.
The most common way to start tweaking the message is by changing the header text, body message and if you like, adding an image.
The body text does not allow any HTML, but you can always refer players to more extended content on your own website via the next feature.
In many cases, completing a activity is a nice way to trigger the player to engage with some sort of next activity that you have in mind.
The external link to your website where this next step takes place, can be fully customized in terms of:
Confetti is the most festive feature of It spawns when the message opens and gives a joyful experience to the player.
Completing activities may be celebrated!
The completion message also allows you to ask who has completed your puzzle. The info collected here can be used to determine a winner, a check for who participated or whatever use case you can think of.
The form fields shown to the player can be handpicked and thus allow you to only ask for as little required information as possible, making it as privacy-friendly as you like.
The registration form will only be shown here if you've enabled 'track activity results', 'force player to register for activity' and set the 'moment of registration' to 'after activity'.
Since in some cases you really want to semi-force players to submit their info (to collect a certain kind of reward for instance), you can hide an extra 'thank you message' and the earlier described call to action (link/button) until the player submits the form.
You can hint at this in the regular message and then give the reward info (maybe a secret code) after the players enter their info.