
Tracking puzzle results

See who completes your puzzle based on handpicked registration fields, including the time they spent and the submission timestamp

Setting up puzzle tracking

There are two ways to track the results of your puzzle players, both of which require access to the Premium-tab.

You can track puzzle results via pre-registration and/or completion of the puzzle.

Setting up puzzle tracking

Using pre-registration

The benefit of using pre-registration is that you can track the time spent per player since you know who is playing during the solving of your puzzle.

To enable pre-registration, check the 'Keep track of stats' option + 'Force registration'

Forcing registration allows you to to see individual results based on handpicked registration fields, but if you just want the aggregate/averages you don't need this.

Using pre-registration

Selecting registration fields

As you can see in the connected image, there are quite some registration option and none of them are required, as long as you pick at least one.

You can make the registration as privacy-friendly as you like or if you need some more info, you can go for that, too.

All of the registration info will never be resold/reused in any way, it is for your eyes only.

Selecting registration fields

Why use email and password?

By default, Puzzel.org asks for the email and password when setting up pre-registration. This allows the player to log back in to their previous puzzle answers and continue their session at a later moment (even from a different device!)

This might not be useful to you though, so you can always disable the password field if you do not need players to log back in. This will feel more friendly to players having no need for this.

Why use email and password?

Individual player results

Each puzzle type has its own type of results, since it differs per type which insights are relevant.

There are puzzle types that show the correctly answered questions (crossword, quiz, etc..).

There are puzzle types that just show the progress made and the time spent.

And there are puzzle types that just show if a player has completed the puzzle or not (cryptogram, jigsaw, etc..)

Individual player results

Just tracking puzzle completion

For most commercial use cases, tracking completions is often good enough. This allows user to decide to join a competition / prize contest afterwards for example.

This can easily be set up via the 'Show message' + 'Collect user info' options.

From there you can also handpick the registration fields to combine with the completion of the puzzle.

Just tracking puzzle completion

Viewing the info

The info of the completions can be found via the 'View contact info' button on the Publish-tab of your puzzle.

The info of the pre-registration results can be found via the 'View stats' button on the same Publish-tab, or via the 'View stats' button on the Premium-tab.

Viewing the info

Exporting the results

You might need the results in a different place than Puzzel.org, which is why there is the option to export the result to Excel. This can be done for both the pre-registration and the tracking on completion.

If you would like to implement a more automated solution (where Puzzel.org posts the data to an endpoint of your choosing), let me know and we will discuss the details: daan@puzzel.org

Exporting the results

Tracking results per question

Another cool feature of tracking puzzle results in some puzzle types, is the fact that you can see results per question.

This can give you direct (even real-time) insight in which questions seem to be harder to solve.

Tracking results per question

Adding a leaderboard

Tracking puzzle results yourself is one option, but you can also easily start your own puzzle competition by adding a leaderboard to the end of your puzzle.

To activate it, make sure you have enabled the following settings:

  • Premium > Show message
  • Premium > Collect user info
  • Premium > Keep track of stats

After enabling these options, a 'Show leaderboard' setting will pop up below the 'Collect user info fields' setting. These info fields will be used to display the entry in the leaderboard, together with the time tracked via 'Keep track of stats'

The leaderboard will be shown once the player finishes and fills in their info.

Adding a leaderboard