
Solving Puzzles in Teams

Solve a puzzle together, at the same time! Team-based puzzles give great interaction possibilities for group-based work

How can I create a puzzle as a team-exercise?

Currently the crossword puzzle, word search puzzle and jigsaw puzzle have the option to be played in teams.

To enable this, go to the Premium-tab and activate the 'Play in teams' option (and save the puzzle).

How can I create a puzzle as a team-exercise?

Setting up the teams

After enabling the 'Play in teams' setting and saving the puzzle, you can now 'Open the control room'.

This allows you to choose any number of teams, their names and if players that are joining should handpick a team, or should be randomly assigned to one ('Randomized')

After setting this up, we can go and open the registrations for our players via the 'Open registrations' button!

Setting up the teams

Wait for the registrations

We are now waiting for registrations. You can find the link to share with your players here and you can see any player that joins per team as well.

The pop-up is completely real-time, so whenever a player joins, you will see the name of that player pop-up in the team connected to that player.

The 'Activate the puzzle' button can be used the moment the teams are either complete or when you think it is time to start the fun. Activating the puzzle reveals the actual puzzle to the registered players and they can start puzzling.

Wait for the registrations

Registering as a player

Once players join your puzzle link, they will get a pop-up to register with just their 'First name' (to keep it as easy and privacy-friendly as possible).

Depending on your 'Randomize' setting, they can either pick a team or they will be randomly inserted into one.

Registering as a player

Once a player is registered

The player that has just registered can now see their team name and other team members. If someone made a mistake by accident, the player can still cancel their registration, fix their mistake and re-join.

The system will auto-correct all of these cancellations and re-joins so no worries there, your overview will still always be correct in real-time.

Once a player is registered

Let the puzzling begin

After the registrations are done and you have hit the 'Activate the puzzle' button, the puzzle starts!

You can watch the progress made per team in real-time, making it extra entertaining for class-based exercises or other places where you have a central screen to show the progress per team to everyone.

Let the puzzling begin