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Using multiplayer interactions

One of the most fun interactions within Puzzel.org is to engage players using one of the multiplayer options:

  • Playing in teams
  • Challenging each other
  • Playing a turn-based game
  • A controlled game where players play simultaneously

Playing in teams

A cool way to solve an activity is by doing it together with your team mates (and battling other teams).

Correct answers are synchronized automatically across team members, so you are really solving it together.

It can be quite the race in a class room, corporate training or other event to see who finishes a given activity first.

You as the activity owner has real-time insight into the results and can see who finishes first.

This progress can be shared with the players as well (optional).

Challenging each other

The ultimate activity battle mode is now here! You can challenge players randomly as well as privately.

View the progress you make during the activity in real-time and see the progress of your opponent(s) too!

Once a player finishes, the winner is shown and the activity will be disabled.

Turn-based multiplayer games

A couple of games support a turn-based interaction where players operate in the same game session and take turns in trying to solve a given activity.

Two examples of turn-based games are the memory game (if turn-based is enabled) and the quartets game.

Create Memory Game

Create your own memory game with any combination of text, image and audio cards.
Tweak the display of your cards in any way possible to create the memory game look that you are looking for. Ranging from portrait mode to card backgrounds.

Create Quartets Game

Create the quartets card game where players have to find four cards of the same set in order to gain a 'quartet'.
You can create your own topical card sets, with your own images, set content and even colours! A fun multiplayer game.

Operating a controlled game

Last but not least is the 'controlled' game, where the activity owner controls the pace of a single game while any number of players participate.

An example of such a game is the bingo game.

Create Bingo Game

Generate your own online bingo game with ease! Add prizes, win conditions and more to make it as fun as you want.
Add automated drawing of 'cards' or run the game at your own pace. Many customization options available.